Musically Performing Armed Robberies

Age 36, Male

Imax Theater CSR

Collins College


Joined on 4/24/08

Exp Points:
1,630 / 1,880
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5.47 votes
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DJ-Delinquent's News

Posted by DJ-Delinquent - July 17th, 2009

War Spawn The Master
400+ fans
Multi timed BTE achiever
Hip Hop Modern Pioneer
Single Handedly Re-Established the art of Sampling on NG
one of the leading Juggernauts in bringing Attention to Hip hop NG
Most Regarded/Mentioned Hip Hop Modern artist amoungst NewGrounds entire website

DJ Delinquent The Student

281 fans
5 Timed BTE achiever
1 time BTW achiever
Conciderd "Sampling God of NewGrounds"??? ( dont blame me fah dat one <.<)
Largest fan Based OUTSIDE of Hip Hop NG
Most unusual samples ( WTF ANIME )

The Run Down

The winner is decided through the number of people who claim there preferd victory, and only done through comments. Idiotic comments will not count. And if the commenter is currently in any Beef/Disagreement with either competitors, there comment will not count.

Competitors are not allowed to use there own "Guns"

meaning War Spawn is not allowed to use 70's Funk, or 1920 - 40s break music

and DJ Delinquent cannot steal Music from other artist on newgrounds, or use any anime samples.

both competitors will be left with out any of there strengths and will be forced to fight with there weaknesses alone

The Set Up

War Spawn and DJ Delinquent will go 2 rounds

if it is conciderd a tie

they will go to sudden death, with a single sample provided by an outsider

who ever samples the song better wins the battle entirely

The Student vs The Master

Posted by DJ-Delinquent - July 11th, 2009

Please allow me to introduce

The [Kiss Our Asses] Audio Clan

Hay Wire

The General

JP Super Fresh

Remix & Ryder [The After Lyfe]

Up Coming Projects?

--Deff Note 2 Rap--

The AftYr LYfe and Nimbus are all doing rap songs over Deff Note 2

Hay Wire + Delinquent Collabs....i think

and a shit load of Delinquent Beat Battles [every one is challenging me T__T]

AftYr lYfe + GasmasQ collabs Defenetly cant w8 for that raw shit!

Some one has been spreading rumors saying that i will no longer do anime remixes/ sampling.

that rumor is a LIE!!!!!!

I will do Anime Music as long as im on NewGrounds and i don't plan on stopping for any one

The [Kiss Our Asses] Audio Clan

Posted by DJ-Delinquent - June 28th, 2009



Tom Kicks the Most ass in the world!!!

[Kiss Our Asses]

June 30th, 2009 4:06 PM - OFFICALY LEFT FOR ARIZONA!



##########UPDATE!!!! IM IN FUCKING TEXAS LOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

First Ever Hip Hop Song Fav'd By Tom Fulp! >=D

Posted by DJ-Delinquent - June 15th, 2009

[Kiss Our Asses]

a New Coalition coming to Hip Hop - Modern NG

I've noticed that all the other coalitions here are in war

there aren't any Neutral Crews.

So i have taken the Liberaty of Building my Own crew. A Leaderless Crew

Members include:

JP Super Fresh

Nimbus The General


and GasmasQ

Im not a Leader/Representaive. Where just a Bunch of Street Criminals with attitude

[with the exeption of JP super Fresh who comits no crimes because he is still a baby]

The purpose of this coalition is to better ourselfs as musicians and povide free things such as Raps and Beats to each other to entertain u scrowny lil bastards we call newGrounders

where not into Beef so save ur insults

and [Kiss Our Asses]

###UP COMING SONGS### [Note: the "+" signs means level of anticipation]

1.+ + + [Black Schools] - Some people are sending me death threts if i dont repost this. *cough* manny <.<

2. + + + + + + + [Hell Girl Remix] - Hell Girl is a better anime then Death Note and i will explain why, musically.

3. + + + + + [Misa Amane remix] - I did Light, and L. So why not Misa?

4. + + + + + + [More Armed Robbery] - Theres alot of NewGrounders who i havent stole from yet =Devil horns=

5.+ + [Mega Man] - Some one asked me to remix Mega Man a long time ago. But the sample blows so ill have to find a new one he MIGHT! like

6. + + + + + [Pokemon] - Every one had a favorite Pokemon. This song will tribute my personal favorite

7.+ + + + + + + + + + + [Delinquency anthem] - Most NewGrounders are actualy Delinquents. Whether Juvenile or Young Adult. So i Made an original Song to tribute to us. If u liked Delinquent 100 your gunna love this.

8.+ + + + + + + [Metal Gear Delinquent 2] Metal Gear Delinquent is my only Video Game Song. I want to make another...becouse i love Metal Gear <3

9. + + + + [Delinquent Gun Shotz] Me and Phade no longer a team and Dog Street is Dead. Now ill redo Gun Shots in a way that it SHOULD be done

[Kiss Our Asses]

Posted by DJ-Delinquent - June 14th, 2009


Have you ever not realise how good you work is until you heard an MC totaly kicks the ass of one of your songs?

one of the notable fans mentioned in Delinquent 100 finaly put lyrics to Delinquent 100

Remix F2D kicks beasty ass

this is the greatest song ive ever heard on NewGrounds

[No concedation intended]

This beat has been rapped over time and time again and the submissions were deleted

(Due to them Being Crap!)

but this is so fucking Awsome

well done Remix F2D


Posted by DJ-Delinquent - June 9th, 2009

"WEEABOO" are decidedly WHITE individuals who, by means of thoroughly warped postmodern acculturation processes, have come to the decision that it is in their best interest to act as if they were denizens of the nation of Japan. The term "WEEABOO" can be accurately though of as an analog to wigger. A whitey can be classified as a "WEEABOO" if they are in possession of two or more of the following defining traits:

1. Has an unhealthy obsession with shallow, saccharine and intellectually insulting animation shows (also refered to as anime by the nerd elite) originally tailored for young Japanese children

2. Operates under the erroneous belief that every aspect of American culture is vastly inferior to that of Japan's - even though 99.9% of Wapanese have never had firsthand experience of any sort with their preferred culture (in other words, they've never set so much as one foot upon the island(s) of Japan)

3. Halfheartedly studies Japanese language and/or is a part-time practitioner of martial arts

4. Has a sword (samurai swords only, of course) collection

5. Is a Virgin
6. May be afflicted with a terminal case of yellow fever; however, they constantly fail in their quest for Japanese pootytang

7. Extreme cases may traipse around whilst wearing a "costume" that makes them resemble their favorite anime characters (this practice is reffered to as cosplay; cross-dressing and raging homosexuality is not an uncommon component of cosplay.

Interestingly, WEEBOOS are generally though of as "failures" and rejects within their own culture. Social scientists such as myself speculate that it was their failure to gain acceptance within their own culture than has lead many a white geek to seek out Japan's culture as a surrogate; however, they'd be shattered to know that the insular and somewhat racist Japanese society would be even less accepting of them than the people of their true and native culture.
Wapanese munch on imported Pocky and wash it down with a bottle of Pocari Sweat.



an 18 year old homosexual male from Georgia who has an obsession for anime more directed for children

such as bleach.


possibly bisexual male student who spends most of his teenhood masterbating to Hentai porn

his favorite anime to touch himself too are examples posted in his news


His name explains everything. A Dedicated weeaboo who watches and worships Bleach Religously and will stop at nuthing to defend his god and savior Ichigo kuro-shit-face


a hidin WEEABOO. Many weeaboos try to disguise there cultur lost lower class human nature
so they hide behind OTHER lower classed people such as Sonic Fanatics and Halo Geeks

how do you know when you or some one u know is a weeaboo?

if u cannot say "Bleach and Naruto Suck shitty balls"

and mean it

you are a weeaboo

how do u cure ur self from being a weeaboo?

commit suicide....

+This Post is exactly as offensive as it sounds. The author of this article does not wish for any one to belive it is a joke or anything. All offences were 100% intended to offend any one it victimizes. If you were offended by this post, do not contact the author of this article and becouse he will just celebrate with victory.

Hey Delinquent! WTF IS A WEEABOO?

Posted by DJ-Delinquent - June 4th, 2009

All thanx to the Delinquent 100 Phenomenon

Your Favorite DJ is now on the Favorite List of 200 People on NewGrounds

welcome New Fans

Hope u enjoy my ass kicking

NOTE: =i dont plan on makin a song every 100 fuckin times. i will probly do another one when i get 500=

Fav'd 200 Times

Posted by DJ-Delinquent - June 1st, 2009

###GunSlinger Delinquent:

Seires: WTF!!? ANIME!!?

Hip Hop: Lyrical Rap Beat

Deletion case: Lack of Creativity/Boring
###Songo's Theme song:

Seires: WTF!!? ANIME!!?

Hip Hop: Turntablism

Deletion case: Poorly Masterd
###Black Schools:

Seires: Armed Robbery

Hip Hop: Warrior DJ styled

Deletion Case: Poorly Sampled/ Shitty Quality
###Decide wich Track Should Be resurected, and ill bring it back to life

beging Voting now...

-NOTE!: im not bringing back any deleted Diss Tracks-


Posted by DJ-Delinquent - May 29th, 2009

This is a pic of My "Not so Funny Bears"

Killing JP's "Funny Bears"

i think this Pic is not so Funny.......................Bear :O

Not So Funny Bear...

Posted by DJ-Delinquent - May 25th, 2009

Delinquent 100

Was a Song Created on the day DJ Delinquent was placed on 100 peoples Favorite artist list

Since then it was Placed Top 5 on the charts beating 100s of other submissions

Also aquiring 50+ more Favorite list entrys

Currently Delinquent 100 as a Song has been Favd 100 times

Of corse there artist who are like "100? thats all?? dude thats not somthing to be proud of LOL"

why not?

im new here

and the fact that over 100 people like my style is awsome to me

I now currently have 153 Fans becouse of 1 song

and that one song has 100 Fans for it self

DJ Delinquent now the First Hip Hop Modern artist in History to recieve Positive reaction upon getting Weekly Top 5

My Fans Kick ass =P

The Power of 100