Musically Performing Armed Robberies
Age 36, Male
Imax Theater CSR
Collins College
Joined on 4/24/08
I know right! <.<
i suppose this guy is god now or something.....WAY TO GO! (generic frat boy woops)
LoL i think i gotta do a news post on the need to stop refering me to god <.<
OH SHIT!!!!!!!!!! Wow you've got fav'd by Tom. Nice one.
Tom Loves Meh >:3
Dam nice ur making history
Sampler GOD lol
Good Work Kee Keep It up
Appreciate the love man
3 weeks almost up!
haha nice
I'm gonna have to find some way to hate now.
Ohhh shit?! Mabie one day we'll get that. sine we colab'd on that beat. ;)
but its all good either way. AftyrLyfe on the come up. ^__^
Good accomplishment Delinquent. PEace!!
Oh we shall get there...
ill try to get u 4 MCs up as much as i can
cant hog all the love now can i? 0.o
nice job
Thank you my good sir
This means Tom has good tastes in music ^_*.
Kickass songs. Keep 'em coming ^__^.
As u wish my mastar! :O
I would say congratulations but I'm slightly hating that I don't even have a song up and you got everybody on NG lovin tha song lol
get yo songs up so i can 5 yo shit mo fo :O
wow lol i was talking about tom. By thinking that...you think your god....you're your own god...(gasp) yeah total mind fuck.
well this is embarassing now isnt it?
i hate you for this
and i love u for this ^_^
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fucking christ that comment didn't work
Loller Buns =D
Me, Caliberthebutcher, & Poetic Reven had our time on NG.. back then we had this site on lock with the beats hahaa! I guess it's time for the new generation to take over.. DO YOUR THING DELINQUENT! proud of yea. JAMAICAN PRIDE!
DJ Delinquent is beastin' on ng's hip hop producers. Keep at it & FINISH THAT FUCKING SONG I TOLD YOU BOUT ALREADY lol.
Oh! scary!
isnt it???
some body's a lil cocky now aren't we?
dude if Tom faved ur ass u wud too
*high fives*
:D *High Fives Back*
Ohh YEAAH!! <-----[EgoRaptor voice]