i know i know i have done many lately, but thats becus im awsome >:O
Any way lets Talk You Tube.
First off I dont have any songs on YouTube that i have posted originaly. And i dont plan on it. All songs are only available on NewGrounds and if found any were else, then they were stolen.
If you ask me if i would agree to you posting a song on YouTube, My Answer will always be yes.
i must be credited in all videos with my music. And Credit must be placed in your Video Description..
Once in a While, I search for videos on you Tube wich contain my music, so chances are (if proper creditation was applied) I allready seen it
My usual comment to approval will be: "Thanx for Crediting my Music ^_O"
Yes I actualy Place my Name in MOST my songs
For example: Delinquent Yagami is not Delinquent - Yagami.....It is Delinquent Yagami as if "Light" was replaced with my name.
Delinquent 100....the song isnt called....100....its Delinquent 100. The word Delinquent is included in the song titles
M2 Media (manny @ work and his friend Mike)....Pretty Funny - I Bitch Slap Zekuence
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Xmillsa's Music Tube - Delinquent Correspondence
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Xmillsa's Music tube - Delinquent 100
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Manslayer1 - Deliver Us From Delinquent
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Kid1111 - When i Dream. (a rare Delinquent Song not even found on my page but exist on Newgrounds)
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Some spanish shit - Delinquent Mantis (just came out)
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Some guy Pwning Noobs in Gears - Delinquent Yagami
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Funny Looking Kid soes some stop motion animation with his web cam. - Delinquent 100
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Jerk OFF!!, and epic Battle after a Game of Candy land By Manny @ work - Delinquent Shadow Technique
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Vortex00 Making 3D Hentai for teenagers to Jerk off to - Umichan: Delinquent
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an EpicTrailor for a Film Student - Deff Note 2
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There is an Ass load more
West Axe Studios Talked to me forever ago about making a Video with Poltergeist. And they did it - Dog Street - Poltregeist
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I have no idea whats goin on here in this video.... - Umichan: Delinquent
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A video About Ballz - Delinquent 100
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Anime Fan Dub by some chick who sounds like she has nice Tits. (it make sense, just watch, u can almost hear "i have huge tits" right in here voice) - Delinquent in a Shell
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The Very First Video on You Tube with a Delinquent Beat - Delinquent Chobits
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A Preview of the Game Vortex00 and I have been working on for the past 3 months. It Features 2 Delinquent chicks. And some Flashy Ass Kicking Action. Its a Power of 3 Project and is coming along quite Nicely - Gangsta Rave Girl
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i mean its free...and YouTube doesnt block u from using it with there gay copy write shit since i just gave u premission.
and its free.....god damit