323 ;)
Musically Performing Armed Robberies
Age 36, Male
Imax Theater CSR
Collins College
Joined on 4/24/08
323 ;)
wah gwan queen?
how tings?
no i dont understand im sorry my feeble mind cant comprehend what your speaking because I lack knowledge without a high school diploma.
And i dont have anything against you...I just want to give you criticisim. I mean isnt that what reviews are for.?
Telling me that im not a real Sampler is no longer critique
its insult
Dem bwoy dem no kno wah weyah deel wid.
so meh mek dem kno seh a genius star dem a ramp wid seen?
nuff chat me ave seen?
Ok and on this note I shall speak. First off. I find it funny how you say you dont "beef on the internet" and shit. But you take way out of your "oh so important life" to come to my page and reply to a pointless little note I left you. Cmon now. Your fucking with a 16 year old man here. Whos been sampling for 2.5 years. and how long have you been doing this.? And tell me whos projects are more complex and take more time out. I dont hate you as a person cause i dont know you. i just love fucking with you cause I know youll take it to the head and respond to me no matter how little the statement is.
As for Delinquent 100. Never said i didnt like that peice. which is exactly why i reviewd it saying what i said (and i dont remember what i said). I liked the melody in that peice. and your drums were ok on point.
As for you claiming me "dick riding" spawn. Sure i could see where you come from with that. But like it or not I look up to spawn. Not only is he a great musican but hes a great friend to. And i can go to him and talk to him about anything under the sun. Cause hes cool like that. And as for saying the shit about seeing WS after my tracks. Me and spawn have only done 3 projects together. Oh big whoopity fucking doo. Dont get mad at me cause spawn doesnt like you. Mayb if you knew how to be sociable you wouldnt have to sit at home and talk to pictures of naked furries all day dude.
If anything I say your dick riding me for writing a paragraph about me out of the blue and you dont know shit about me dude.
I just hate you music cause your like a confused child not knowing if he wants to be gay or straight. But you dont know if you wanna sample or Dj. alotov people cant catch what I catch in your music Del. Which is why until you make an epic track that surpasses my liking and makes me raise the bar for my music ill never respect you. Plus I know where you get all your drums from lol.
Cause your One 'Dj" I wanna fuck with.
Get over yourself. Your only fans are anime fans, step out of your fucking bubble Del.
"if they have a reason to hate everything im about on NG let them do them.
Becuase in the end i have a better life then them... and also a more pure hearted person
and with all this said
i dont even wanna get along with u guys (Exept Yun and HiryuGouki if he stfu somtimes)
Im diffrent and Unique. I dont wanna be like you, so becuase im diffrent u attack me for it?"
-DJ Delinquent =)
every one else is squahing stuff with me, why not do the same?
or just sit and Cry about how awsome i am and how your not...
i dont hate you but i could careless if you hate me i dislike the fact that you talk behind my back but i honestly dont care because i dnt know you at all so do you and stay up. because i dnt want to be a lower class individual that doesnt mean i hate the people who r i was there as a youngin and grew up wanting money. i dnt want to argue so ill leave at that peace
Moods changed
ill keep this statement in mind
Edit: you allready know i think of u as a rich snob? why even cry about me tellin Kill Bill dat. This whole "talk behind the back" thing is rediculus. Unless we talk man to man i ima go by that. Besides...why do you care so much? just move on brah.
Ok your right. Sure we can squash things. W.e Im jus saying. Im calling you out cause of the way you sample. You claim your a sample god, but your techniques are basic realli. Imo. Thats just the way I see it. I say we squash this with a 1 round sample battle.(friendly) No restrictions. 3 Judges. I pick one. You pick one. And The two canidates we pick decide the 3rd judge. Whattyah say.?
I never ever ever ever ever ever ever claimed i was sample god ever
my fans claim that i am sample god
but me? never
and the god of sampling isnt even of Hip Hop NG
Sample God of NG belongs to Modem
Modem is the best sampler on this website
and also my mentor
and no
i will not battle you
Well your fans are the source of hate. I must kill them all. Lol. But why no battle.?
u have alot of killing to do
since my fans extend outside of NG <.<
and no battle becuase i dont do NG war
i battle purly on mutual respect and not to "pwn" people
Beef is gay
eat chicken
u want the bottom line?
Ur awesome
Thats plain and simple, and if people say they don't like it it must be the style they don't like, or their jealous. You Rock. AJUST
they must Ajust to my ass kicking xD
Make love not war
or just everyone go out to KFC and share a sexy family chicken bucket ......
fuck me i need some chicken.... a quick... :(
hehehehahaha i control there minds because im corrupting them and my web of corruption cannot fail thats y im corrupting the most powerful leaders on newgrounds...u no who u r. >:)
lol thats what im saying, fuck beef. When do u ever see me realli beefing with dudes on NG.?
Oh btw. Im taking that chicken statement to offence because i am a black man
i am black as well
Jamaican american = Jerk Chicken
African American = Fired Chicken
i <3 chicken...fuck all who steryo type
WOW! Just read all the comments and there's a HELL OF A LOT of arguing here. Really, why can't people just SHUT THE FUCK UP and agree to fucking disagree and carry on like REAL MEN (and women)
I mean HOLLY SHIT! OH NOES HE CALLED ME A RICH SNOB! WAHHHH! I HATE YOU (OR WHATEVER THE GUY SAID/TYPED) So what? He called you a rich snob, get over it. It means he thinks u have like a shit load of money to blow on alcohol and hot girls (every man's dream)
For those like Wyze-Stingray who's problems was cause of misinterpreted statements and commented that he has no problems with the MAN himself just that his opinions and ideas are different and isn't afraid to voice them I gotta give props. This is a man willing to fight for his opinion's and ideals while at the same time respecting the other man's ideals rather then just saying: IM BETTER THEN U SO SHUT UP!!!!
People need to grow up and not take everything personality. Somebody says ur mom's a bitch? Fuck em. they don't know ur mom and hey, she is a FEMALE.
People piss me off when they wine over shit like this and start a internet war. It just makes me not want to listen to ur stuff no matter how good the beats is because the musican is a duche-fag (thank you PowerThirst for the new word) who acts like a little baby.
Mehh... it isnt that serious RPGmastar
I listen to there music regardless of dutch bagleness
whats realy the issue is people need to stop Clicking up on others due to the fact they are not associated with there Gang/Posse/tribe/Group
if your only defending a friend due to the fact that he is ur friend with out any opinion of your own then your opinion = shit.
in this case thats whats happening in terms of DJ Delinquent.
Becuase he does not aligned with himself with the Hip Hop NG Gangs of war.
he is labeled...
and is the subject of Negitive convorsation between both sides.
some people here act nice but are saying shit behind my back daily to there lil NG friends
so when DJ discusses things in a non harmful manner with out the subject present
regardless of being the subject, he is labeled the bad guy
but i ignore it
i have better things to do then to spam "u a clown...but its cool" to ppl all day like they do to me
Let me state something quickly. I have no problem with your work. I have never said anything bad about you as an artist. Our squabbles have been due to things we both say. Opinions, not the art.
In addition, the mountain out of a molehill is misinterpreting my purpose. I felt that you were wrong with a small section of what your argument had been, so I elected to comment on it. That was it. That escalated into a debate because you took what I was saying about a section of your comment and, through a combination of my poor choice of wording, and your mood while reading, misinterpreted my statement as a personal attack.
As you say, you say what you want, how you want, when you want. You are obviously allowed this, as am I. When there is a disagreement, I will normally speak up and voice my opinion, like any person worth their salt should. As much as I don't know you, I DO know that you are the same in that regard.
I harbor no hatred for you, nor do I believe that your work is horrible by any means, so saying that I do does a giant disservice to yourself, myself, all of your fans and other readers. We have had disagreements, no more, no less. You will notice that when you posted on my thoughts about the death of hip hop, we got along fine there. So I don't understand how we could get along there and instantly I hold hate for you? Not my style at all.
But whatever, it is what it is. I'm not here to try to mend fences or anything, just explaining the way I'm seeing things and clear up that misinterpretation. That is all
nah bro not trying to label you as a person on here
u maid some valid points in here
exept the diservice part. This News was souly to inform not to bash.
also if people are as mature as u are to address this as a human being and not some over grown idiot
i can use this list to squash shit
thanx for being first homie
concider it squashed