Next time you guys should have "official" judges instead of fans. you know people who dont vote based on wether they're cool with the person or not. Like me d>:D
Musically Performing Armed Robberies
Age 36, Male
Imax Theater CSR
Collins College
Joined on 4/24/08
Next time you guys should have "official" judges instead of fans. you know people who dont vote based on wether they're cool with the person or not. Like me d>:D
i dont have any friends on this sight
other then other artists
so doin it this way will only help war spawn
since he has over 100 more fans then i have and the fact that he has been on NG for over 3 years
i havent been on ng that long either so i am filled with unprejudice! d=D
mannyatwork1 = truth
also read this useless sentence.
i have read this useless sentence...
and it has changed my life
I knew you'll prevail. Great job Del.
tyvm Jimshade
Now you have a reason to kick teh ass and chew teh bubble gum.
Also: I am all out of teh bubble gum.
Duke Nukem!
You should do a Duke Nukem song. Either that or a song about the hardest game in the world: Tetris! (Don't laugh, I don't know a single person who has beaten this game.)
battle toads is much harder then tetris
Battle toads was easier for me. Maybe the original Zelda? I STILL can't find one of the dungeons! I found the last one which everyone told me is the hardest to find.
Oh and I made my first Mote (those pics with the really funny comment on the bottom and the black background.)
Downloaded Flash 8 and started making a sprite flash movie that involves sonic, Monkeys, a bottle of Mountain Dew and a whistle. THAT CAN CONTROL TIME!!!!!!!!!!!! I may or may not use one of your songs in it.
You better make more!!! XD WTF would I listen to if you stoped mixin!?! =O
DJ my ass, shut the fuck up.
know 1 cares what r saying DJ faggot.
your a 15 year old from But Fucking Belgium
who the hell comes from Belgium?!
TL;DR, no judges doesn't count :p
The Belgium come from Belgium.
WTF is "The Belgium"?
Shut that Belgium waffle ass bastard up before i buy him a toaster.
Told you the next track I post will shit on every track in the battle. Check out Top 5.
ABOUT: DJ my ass, shut the fuck up.
know 1 cares what r saying DJ faggot.
Aug. 9, 2009 | 6:11 PM DJ-Delinquent responds:
your a 15 year old from But Fucking Belgium
who the hell comes from Belgium?!
Smoked to many pot, DJ ASSHOLE? +10 Million people. I know its not that big but fuck off, we are a small country with great luxuriously.
Fucking retard, think you're a dj... hah.
Ow yes, point me ONE stupid flash, MADE BY A BELGIAN, so not a flash about Belgium, retard!. Except the first one when you type Belgium in search you, idiot. I know you lazy Americans.
u have wasted 45 minutes tryn to proove belgium is cool
that was 45 minutes you could of used to try make an honest attempt to loose virginity
or get a job, or even get through high school leveled math home work
your Belgium butt buddies would be very disapointed
see! you can prove Belgium flash sucks, loser...
and actually it was 5 min, not 45 retard.
STFU belgShit
good on you bro u deserved it!!!
:P now can i have a cookie?