Okay even though you've lost the first part, I've still like you song better than war-spawn, Yours are smooth and the beats matching the tempo. All in all You did a nifty job on yours.
Musically Performing Armed Robberies
Age 36, Male
Imax Theater CSR
Collins College
Joined on 4/24/08
Okay even though you've lost the first part, I've still like you song better than war-spawn, Yours are smooth and the beats matching the tempo. All in all You did a nifty job on yours.
i havent lost yet
Jimshade can you please clearify who u voted for?
me and spawn are confused
Voted for you man. kick ass song from both you and WS. It was a tough call. Gotta another review/rant on another asian series on my profile. Check it out.
ohh sweetness im so there.
this is close we both have one flaw to exploit and one advandtage to exploit
i cant w8 to see how round 2 goes
Yo, u know I had to represent and vote fo u man.....but of course I liked yours better. Hit me up when u upload something new, okay?!
i like it did you draw it
did you draw it dj
no i didnt
thats one of my fav artist from singapore
I've voted for you Delinquent.
now im in the lead
I like both of the songs, though the guitar in Warspawn's submission ruins it for me, he also used a sample Helix6 used. Yours has a nice classical beat, though I was kind of disappointed that the words came back in a little later in the song, but I still think its better.
*Votes Dj Delinquent.*
right now im in the lead but things can change
round 2 will be our strenghts
i know i got round 2 for sure
its inevetabel
So when are we going to get official judges and not have our fans vote for us?
i like it this way, let the general public speak
besides you have more fans then i do so whats the problem?
How long will Round 1 last? and who's winning so far?
when it comes to a point where it wont change
wich isnt far now
nice pic
not mine
Anime vs fun....regadless of who loses. I win. d;D
lol that should be the qoute of the year!
Posted 2 new rants. One was like yesterday, the other just a few minutes ago. Not really up to par with my usual Rants but....I'm too lazy to fix it. Maybe later. Soooo Who won, You or WS?
war spawn 9 del 8
im loosing by 1
ill check ur rants but i gotta do some music for my roomates
there in Filmography
Yours was pretty good, but I liked Spawns more
damn deli you got mad anime bitchs lol that tat she got is dope
Thats not anime
thats american
american art is better then anime
So yeah. I found this jazz sample. Flipped it. Then I found this other jazz sample. I scrapped the other one and flipped that one. Then I just found this other sample that blew those 2 away. So I'm gonna be using that one. It isn't funk or jazz though. Still in the classical range. Definitely way more hard than the last sample I used for the battle.
u tryna scare me?
its not working....u swer >,>
hmm I think ima vote for spawn dude , I liked both of the songs but spawns sounded better to me
no prob
round 2 is a givin tho
You know regardless I'm going to say how great my beat is. :D
kinda figured <.<
sorry i dnt know 2 much bout that but now i see wat you talkin bout cuz i saw her last night ooooooooooooooo lol
mercury gettin dat samurai Pune Tang!
Where the FLUP is the new beats!
check da mutha flupping news page mang
Better bring it harder next round. (incoming obscure rocky reference) Remember Rocky, hit the one in the middle....
You can still take this. but you got to go bananas. Black schools bananas...mmm those are some dangerous bananas....
i forgot to submit that....
ok after the battle is over ima submit it
sorry about that