###GunSlinger Delinquent:
Seires: WTF!!? ANIME!!?
Hip Hop: Lyrical Rap Beat
Deletion case: Lack of Creativity/Boring
###Songo's Theme song:
Seires: WTF!!? ANIME!!?
Hip Hop: Turntablism
Deletion case: Poorly Masterd
###Black Schools:
Seires: Armed Robbery
Hip Hop: Warrior DJ styled
Deletion Case: Poorly Sampled/ Shitty Quality
###Decide wich Track Should Be resurected, and ill bring it back to life
beging Voting now...
-NOTE!: im not bringing back any deleted Diss Tracks-
a) WTF!!? ANIME!?
b) armed robbery
in my oppion
P.S. some of my faves. were the deth note songs :D
-takes notes-
More Deff notes...