ah inuyasha....the anime that was entertaining for the first 10 episodes then it became so redundant i figured watching paint dry on loop on youtube would be more rewarding. your right good music tho.
Musically Performing Armed Robberies
Age 36, Male
Imax Theater CSR
Collins College
Joined on 4/24/08
ah inuyasha....the anime that was entertaining for the first 10 episodes then it became so redundant i figured watching paint dry on loop on youtube would be more rewarding. your right good music tho.
pls make a speach on of ur youtube videos about it
that was a fucking perfect sentence~!!!!
I like Inuyasha, but I'm glad your still cranking out the anime mixes. Seems like you don't like a lot of anime....but what anime do you like?
thats the best anime out right now
death note still kicks ass
and a shit load more
Woot ur back. Yeah Inuyasha suxs. Good for like 1 season then it went all DBZ on us. I can pretty much guess what happens next season: They find where Naraku (or whatever the fuck his name is) go to kill him, face countless powerful demons and/or undead humans. Have a romantic moment between Inu and KaHOme, Inu will gain a new powerful attack and Naraku will escape at the very last moment...
If I'm wrong, I will blow up my house but I highly doubt that will happen.
But yeah, It does have kickass music.
anime remixes ftw.
word up
Ey ey! AftyrLyfe n GasmasQ Gonna be doin a couple collabs. =) Stay tuned on that ^__^
We are AftyrLyfe Not (The After Lyfe) lol.... Thx Bro. ;)
[KOA] Ftw ;) PEace!!
Well ExKoO0Oo0OOZE MEH!!! <.<
First it was Remix and Ryder
then F2D
then Aftyr Lyfe
what next?
"Buncha Dope Guys with Deep Voices"?
Good to see your still alive :o
Haven't heard a song from you in a good minute and I'm expectin nothin less then a masterpiece ... or else :)
<.< damn doode
soppose i just wanna put up some lazy shit
jeez .... feel like a musical slave xD
it's a good beat cause it's a great sample, good mastering, nice drums, good change ups. Are you satisfied mister?
yesh i am
All right, I'm going to be brief here. I have no issue with you. Everything that was said was said strictly for the confines of that debate/argument. I hadn't taken any offense outside of that realm, and I did not believe you did until you made the untalented comment. So, I'll say this: If you were actually offended by my comments, then I apologize, I am used to working under the frame work that nobody takes anything outside the debate, therefore anything goes.
As for what your news post is actually about, good stuff man, I have faith that all those collabs will be sick as fuck. Good luck with your clan
well in this case i geuss i can appologize for reaching areas that can/could be avoided.
i also appologize for longing it out <.<
This brings up the series of WTF AND WTH. I bet when yer gone everyone is waiting with blood (from cutting themselves), sweat, and tears lol. Glad your back. Oh and BTW yeah I don't believe in rumors myself because... well... there just... rumors.
Catch ya on the flip side,
hehe idk bout all that
i mean there are people on this sight who are better at what i do
Well idk then. (Still glad yer back)
is that ur porn up there?
what? u dont recognize your own mom?