<,< looks left
>.> looks right
Downloads.... =/
<,< looks left
>.> looks right
Downloads.... =/
Thank you. ^_^
Ima make a Song Called
WeeYaBoos R Us
I submitted this song a year ago to the date, and I'm FINALLY inspiring people, ha. Thanks.
its a positive subject yes, but very boring
Also the Flow is terrible =[
and the lyrics arent as creative and complex
any one could of thought of this.
and also the beat is very sulking lazy.
cant eve listen to it wile writing this review dude =[
Lol. Stfu Delinquent. You're awesome. :D
Garage Band Sucks!!!! DX
Hello Sexy WTF Anime Person <,<
i dont listen to all <,< ever <,<
Im Hip Hop 100%
BUT!!![cheecks lol]
this was an odd peice here o,o
i was like this sounded as if it cud be serious
but it was all assey
so i cryed T^T
but then wen i read the discription..
Garage Fucking Band...
Pls Discontinue the use of that prgram babe, it Sarx teh Ballz >.<
your better off Using TurnTables, or FL Studio like every one else
ill give joo an 8/10
becus i want a better shot at becumin frends than the guy Below me
hehe pwned XD
if u wud like to collab or sumthin
[by me stealing it, and remixing it, and giving it to joo to post wile crediting me of corse]
then sends zi PM :3
well thanks, but FL studio is @.@ confusing!! I'll look into Turntables, but i do my best with what i got!! NON-CONFORMIST HERE!!!
Danke! ^^
Self Degredation and Blatenly Racist <,<
Im Black...yah
But i dont follow alot of the steryotypes and shit
This track was mild in a way
but wut killed my enjoyment here is ...
U maid all my White Friends wanna Slap the Dog shit out of You <,<
Most Likely [and im guessing] You prolly is white yourself
so u belive " Hey Man I AM WHITE so it aint offensive"
Look at it this way
If you were black, and u got arrested and ur ass kicked by a black cop, and that same black cop lets ur white friend off the hook easy and yall did the same crime.
its like betrayal and shit.
and thats just str8 corny bro <,<
im sorry but thats my honest Opinion
hope you dont take it the wrong way
ur still a sick rapper, i just dont find the humor here
and of course ur gunna have the clowns goin
" Hey Man its a Joke, Dont be a hater"
problem is, just becouse its race related people basicaly fix it to MAKE you like it
but thats there problem if they dont like when ppl dont like somthing
take it easy Kellz =/
this review makes very little sense, please point out the parts that are racist
Hey Buddy....
Im stealing this..
nuthing u can actualy do about it..
so umm
im just lettin u know uve been jacked
Gong Hai Fat Choi
and a Koni Chi Wah 2 u
eheheh, I can respond now! WTF! >o<
fuck fucker shit!
lmao that was supposed to be fukc fukcer shti!
Chorus is dead
You shud grab a DJ to fill that void
now were can we find a proper DJ to fill that chorus
hmmmm o.o?
I don't know any good ones =P
Listen to this review very carefuly....
This song should not of been done the way it was here
im going to remix this and show u how i would do it
if u feel im wrong just watch the reviews i recieve and ull have a diffrent perspective
as for your flow, i belve if the beat was done diffrently it would change up
its not that i dont like this beat i just belive the producer behind the beat was very lazy
Please get at me about this
i need to hold a convo with you
Just hit me up on AIM: lamelodia55
Your Not Finished here....
This work is in-complete
You shouldn't feel satisfied with this at all
the Drum pat is perfect if i wer behind this i wouldn't change a thing
You need a new melodie i think but this has way to many holes in it
ill give u an 8/10
but since my Voting power is Evil i wont vote on it
it only does damage
please remake this or hand it to an artist for a calaboration
If anyone wants to remix it feel free( please pm me if your planning too) , im going to wait to remake it for a while. but i wanted it to be simple not too complicated. ive heard alot of hip hop beatz that are compex (skillfull) but too many plug ins synths and layers make something sound to "busy"
i havent mastered it yet ( reminder)
i appreciate the review
This Shit Sucks...its str8 Bullshit
and i refuse to give u any constructive critisism
becus this is pathetic
dont post any more bullshit in my genre charts any more
i keep it real
fuk da hataz
i gots da street flowin' thru my veins, yo
Musically Performing Armed Robberies
Age 36, Male
Imax Theater CSR
Collins College
Joined on 4/24/08