God damit!
This song is so good it made me late for class
u owe me a new Mid term Paper
God damit!
This song is so good it made me late for class
u owe me a new Mid term Paper
LOL sorry ;-(
Hell yeah
Sounds like somthing out of Soul Caliber
only a true artist can make something so....Gay
then come back with a song that makes u wanna fight some one with a realy huge sword
good shit
Please Auto Graph my turned Tables
I faved u cus u were a bad ass
this is like a ball of....
a ball of complete Gay
But i cant lie......well done on this wad of gay
i didnt like this one as much as all your others
u shud do another "Darkened" styled track
lulz. I take it you didn't like it XD
ok fuck everything i said b4
this the best song on this page...
infact maybe the best song i heard in like mad long
oh but fuck your lenght....
That's what she said.
Grats Dude!
lol what a song hahah
you desreve all 100 of ur fans bro
your oen of the best musicians on this entire site
keep kickin ass
this shit has so much bass its unbeleiveable
i had this playin for a lil while now haha
grats on 100 fans man well done
Wow man u rate me over ur own beat...thats the true spirit of NG T_T
thx man i appreciate it. ima check out ur new anime type ish in a sec.
btw ur stuff kicks major ass too.
[Kiss Our Asses]
This is just way to genius
my advice is to add some higher pitched melodies to add some sort of evened out balanced
but i like the whole bassfull deep shit
its the Hay Wire style
hahaha thanks dude.
I have no idea what this flash thingy is about
but this song reeks of awsomeness
and yes sometimes i review to hear your respones
but that's because your my favorite person to pick on =P
ur still talented tho
u should check out my other music
besides Delinquent 100 <.<
oh and also..
ByReadingThisCommentIhaveTakenBreifCo ntrolOfYourMind
I WILL >:(
R.I.P. Michael Jackson
August 29, 1958 - June 25, 2009
<.< your Not Human
if the next person who reviews gives you a score lower then 10
he sucks cocks for $20 a jizz
lol i'll put the money in the hip-hop AP community funds so we can buy james brown t-shirts. and you're right, i'm not human, i'm actually an orange :p
I owe you one
U just took off my Girls Pantys
thanx ^_O
LOL np
Musically Performing Armed Robberies
Age 36, Male
Imax Theater CSR
Collins College
Joined on 4/24/08