Musically Performing Armed Robberies
Age 36, Male
Imax Theater CSR
Collins College
Joined on 4/24/08
nice list man!
u shud check em out brah
not even Multiple Panda Rapist shit
btw is Noob Gun good ..
u just came out
atleast ur not just Noob
uur noob GUN
ur off to a pretty good start
And I'm not on this because... oh wait, no one knows me...
oh shit
i forgot a few sorry
So... for wondering sake, is this the battle of all alliances or what? Just wondering.
RMP vs Real Over Fake
Ventrillo vs Real Over Fake
[Kiss our Asses] vs Ventrillo *squashed*
Silent minority vs Anything against Ventrillo
super leet.
well i agree with newgrounds on that
ur my one of my favorite artists
Well, this is an interesting topic. I'll give you one thing, it's provocative. A few thoughts though:
I would hardly say that there's been any full on war between vent and KOA. There may have been a few issues between yourself and a few people you consider on the ventrillo side, but, for example, Nimbus is close with our dudes, and Gas and I are buddies. Now would I call KOA villains by any stretch.
Also, I would hardly call RMP the face side. Ses is pretty much hated by everyone on this site.
Still, although simplified a bit too much, not a bad way to sum up this clusterfuck we call HHNG :)
Nimbus and Gas are the only exeption actualy
everyone else dispises the mainstream hip hop that most of u guys do
but Fortunatly all this is behind us
did i mention that there is lack of fighting in HHNG?
Noob's up in this bitch ?! hahayo.
i dont think ur a noob tho
ur lack of exposer justifises the givin level
but on some real i think u got spunk
i just dont like ur genre
Pretty nice list, and thanks for explaining the guilds (really confusing crap). I thought you said you were going to add me to the list? I should stop complaining, I should be glad you haven't blocked me on aim or anything.
why wuold i block u from AIM? LoL
i get tons of Spam from Fans all the time
i wish more people like u would just randomly contact me everynow and then
Man, this is wicked. I'm going to be doing some digging around a few new artists.
i think ur Superior leet gun
but NG disagrees
oops, I meant nor would I call KOA villains. My bad.
u may not beleive so but most of the old kids on this site look at us as Bastards
with the exeption of Nimbus and Gas
You could useme for lyrics if you wanted a good poet.
wtf does ur name mean?
Well, that would come as a surprise to me. I haven't heard anything negative said about most of these people from anyone. Just my experience though.
Also, you failed to address my comment on ses :) I'm pretty sure he'd count as the heel side, RMP is more hated than anyone.
RMP is hated by Ventrillo
so there for u think that every one hates them when in fact its only ur frends that do
but about 90% of HHNG isnt in groups
and Neutral people dont hate Ses
WTF is this post about?
the best musicians in the world
I was saying the resident evil songs you have shouldn't be compared because they're different.. not because one is better than the other.
The first one has a slower, but stronger beat.. And the second one is a bit more fast pace, and has a little more variety to it. I like them both though, so.
the second one pwns the old one
that was my purpose
The amount I don't understand is staggering :(
these people make GOOD hip hop
Oh dam? Thx D (KOA) Stand up! =) Im working hard on the album. Got alot done. but i dont wanna post any yet. (including yours, i named Purgatory) waiting till they all finished. =) Patients lol. Thx for tha rep D. Stay up.
u know i got cha back Mo FUggah :D
Tneuqniled JD - backwards
DJ Delinquent - not fuckin backwards
anyways gota question that hasnt been buggin me so here its not
How Da Fudge Do I Raise That Cock Sucking Level!!
do i have to murder ppl?..
murder + rob?
. . . . . . . .
***was there enuff swearing in this useless comment?***
get more freinds
thanks for this list, at times its hard to wade through all the submissions to find the gems, and I think you did a pretty good job
hehe any time pal