AHHHH ok boss
Musically Performing Armed Robberies
Age 35, Male
Imax Theater CSR
Collins College
Joined on 4/24/08
AHHHH ok boss
dont call me boss please
im in the same boat as ur in
accept me as ur equal :3
Its a habit bro jus callin ppl boss/bruv/bro etc..
ok Equal!! :)
lol its a term of indeerment? o.o
lol ok then :D
There is such thing as good hip hop? Not to be a dick but I wouldn't exactly call it a genre of music. It's basically a human talking in sync with shitty FL Core half the time.
to be mature, there are good techno DJs
infact DJBjra and BOUNC3 being 2 of them
but u sir...are shit
Not to be a general NGer, but B0UNC3 is a tad overrated but he is still good, and Bjra is our homedawg.
I am a rotting piece of horse dung laying around in a field, ready for a tractor to intake me and explode compared to most of these people, but I still try to make something out of what is a hobby for now.
I'm just a little bit moody because I got no friends (Atleast I'm man enough to say it... most people aren't [ain't calling you a friendless person])
So yeah... Let's just get on with life, we have better arguments to go through with different people, and as long as we follow the rule of ignorance, we'll probably never hear of eachother again.
So yeah, long story short, Hip Hop is okay, I am shit, and we're all a little bit over critical on genres.
Ohh Btw could I have the title "noob" on your list or am I too horrible for that too :P
ur not a hip hop musician
u dont get on this particular list
techno is over rated as is
u dont need any exposer
its hand fed to u
dope list but i dnt use ventrillo very much actually not really at all and i dnt talk to nobody but kill and dex from this website and they dnt really use ventrillo at all either but i like being a superior thank you just if you can pls put na for alliance because i have nothing against yall stay up del congrats on top 5 for the thirtieth time lol
lol i didn't actualy see this top 5 coming at all
after Del 100 i was like...yea this mah only top 5
then mantis i was like yea....mah top 5s are over
Now this one....im like.....WTF!!! :D
and sure ill rip u off Vent dude
Im lookin to get sum top 5's coming myself. Gotta network more. ;) Ima explode the roof off newgrounds n bring HHM back to the map. Puttin KOA on top.
Its goin down. =) If u got a myspace add me. <a href="http://www.myspace.com/rymixmusic">www.myspace.com/rymixmusic</a>. Thx again D. Stay up.
i have a Myspace
but i dont use it
cus i hate the website
its not even a music space
just a regular one
Google it. I think the URL name is "EastCoast4eva" or some shit
ya i had top five twice but i hate the fact then when a hip hop artist reaches that spot that all the other genres feel like sending out a brigade of zero bombs, on my track nothing remix with bill we got top 5 and first place in all time the score went from the high 4's to the low 3's and this is how i know that people were just hating because it got over 1600 downloads so i guess people where mad that a hip hop track was finally superior to there techno shake my ass pop shit, lol well again congrats bro stay up
couldnt have said it better myself
altho i had some type of successful scores here and there with my Rap stuff
over all the scores should be higher amungst the genre
the immature hate for hip hop here is pissing me off
your track was only up for a couple of seconds (not litteraly)
but still how da fuckin fuck?
ur geuss is as good as mine
interesting post combined with an interesting picture along with and interesting list about interesting people with interesting stats. Interesting....
Is this necessary?
Why do you guys fuel the stereotype of Hip-Hop artist being wannabe gangsters?
I mean you all make amazing music, why do u guys fight over it?
Yea sure people make generic stuff that some people may not like, but this occurs in all genre's but you don't see gangs forming among electronica artists.
Anyways, i love ur music, but maybe you guys will see that all of this is so unnecessary and maybe even look back on it and laugh.
Hip hop is a Warrior Genre
if u cant handle the Battling then go to a more peaceful genre
this genre is for people who enjoy Fighting and Competing
Battle Rap, and Beat Boxing are healthy sport amungst us
we enjoy the Rivalry here
thats 68% of the reason i love Hip Hop so much
its so Bad Ass!!!
err.... you spelled tingtonger wrong
well thats embarassing....
Aw shit sonnn s00pah l33t!!! lol
Thx D I appreciate it man. :')
And I know u already know this but, ur one of my favorite artists on here too............ (-__-;).................no homo.... lol.
well...maybe a lil homo ^_O
psyke nah, im just lookin out for the most hated Genre on NG
Hip Hop Modern 4 life!
You said that I'm getting exposure hand fed to me. That is extremely incorrect. I'm having the worst of time with exposure right now, but you were probably referring to Techno in general. I can agree most of it is Nexus presets and VEC, but what can you do :l
unlike me and the rest of the people here
u have the ability to get in flash better
get top 5 more frequently
get more fans
and over all pwn us in everything
the avg fan total for Techno kids are 700 - 1k
the avg for hip hop?
20 - 70
when people get 100 fans here its rare
I only have 29 fans.
The only people I really think should've been on that list are YunVeroz and Killbill. They're way up there.
Not sure where they belong in terms of alliances or what-not, I'm with the vent, but I also can't make hiphop for shit.
Kill Bill Quit NewGrounds
and Yun Veroz is the most Exposed artist of HHNG
Kill Bill is Vent
and Yun Veroz is Silent minority
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lol only famouse people get these
CKC has the right idea.
nah he just needs pussy xD
o btw i need im doin GCSE music.. exams basically and i need to write names of some artist who inspire me is it kl if i jot ur name down...
and i dont need pussy im too busy workin the Ultimate Beat that will blow the fuck off NGHH... :O
get more freinds??
errr boss wut du mean>>?<<
get more FANS <---