Well it seems i have finaly came across a Division
Usualy people who make entertainment get this some time when pertaining to a general audiance
atm its this
I do on occasions make Gangster/Aggressive Music
and on other occasions i make Anime/light hearted music
or a nasty combination of both ( "Akira Delinquents" "Deff note 1 & 2" Etc)
But it seems my Voters are in cross hairs of disagreement
the Anime Fans 0 Vote my more Gangsta Rap shit
My Gangsta Rap Fans 0 vote my Anime shit
But im a mad man when it comes to guinea pigging shit
i shall w8 and see where this takes off
Maby i can even.... Ignite a WAR! @__@
Well, I'm rooting for DJ Delinquent. Tell DJ Delinquent I said Hi. Good Luck DJ Delinquent.