So I'm well aware that you have heard this new..."Fuck KOA" song has been release to the public
and some corn ball Real OR Fake n***as hypin it up
*Golf Clap*
and every one is wurried about...
Where is the KOA return fire???
well check it right now we got a contest to win see...
KOA won best Crew Anthem
KOA is gunna win the NewGrounds Sample Battle (DJ-Delinquent/CKC)
KOA is gunna Win the Sample Pack Battle (sirhc7000)
and KOA is gunna win the MC knock out (Exeptid)
so we wurry bout Real Or Fake later kthnx
Real Or Fake....u tell me :D
*The real beef between Lejin and the Real over Fake orginization has nothing to do with Kiss Our Asses or any of its members, musical or non musical. That is a Personal agenda within Real Over Fake and is of no concern to KOA*