Musically Performing Armed Robberies

Age 36, Male

Imax Theater CSR

Collins College


Joined on 4/24/08

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The Amazing Joey Keys....remember this guy?

Posted by DJ-Delinquent - April 12th, 2010

some kid who i once thought was a cool guy*cough*

who used to dick ride my music all night long

is now to good for me haha

listen to his most heated review after i gave him a structual comment on one of his submissions :D

Listen loop master flex.

--haha :D loop master flex

I never claimed this beat was good, frankly, I don't even like this beat.

--Yet there is people like Ikonic and other who u put down, claiming that u can Cajete are the best in the contest?

The only reason why it is here, is because I felt it wasn't even close enough to good enough to being on my album or to be sold. I'm done with ng.

-- if ur done with NG then why submit to the comp? apperently u still frequent here so don't be ashamed now

Your going to come at me saying my chopping isn't original, go back to looping the amen break for four fucking minutes you fagot.

-- Lol that was your favorite song. i remember ur italian ass biching to me about how u wanted the FLP :D

On top of it your inability to comprehend the word preset is funny.
MY PRESET means I previously had changed the sounds, to sound how I wanted them to sound.

-- LoL what? even a kindagardner knows what Pre-sets are. and you dont mr. igotsigned?

So when I came back to using nexus, I choose MY OWN PRESET. There is also a lot you can change,

--Notice how he didn't specifiy anything changeable here

maybe you should have a little bit of information before you come say shit.

--Its not like i gave u a dictonary of insults here....or any to be exact

You can start from a base sound, and do what most synthesizers offer.

--wich is?

And on top of it, you came at me talking bad about a vst like that was suppose to hurt me? Haha.

--no expects to damage any ones feelings over a computer program... excuse me for having bills to pay and a life to live <_<

And okay, I used gross beat, what about it? Haha it's just another tool.

--Gross beat preset....make ur own patterns if ur gunna claim it

So am I not allowed to use a preset that slightly modified a sound?

-- it wasint "slightly modified" ....it wasint modified at all noob

I'm pretty sure all you do is take samples and modify the speed.

-- yes ofc....cus weve collabed b4 and thats exactly what i did right?

For example Mega-Man Delinquint, you litterally, took a whole song, time bent it and through a break on it. Bravo Mr. Prodigious producer.

-- Something tells me that you never even heard the original song. when you then tell me ur excuse after ur so awed by my illness

And on top of it, all music is all recycled, so using a preset, doesn't mean shit.

--oh wow a minute ago u just claimed u didnt use presets..

It's how you used it and I tried something new, so keep banging on that keyboard man. All it is, is a melody with gate, people were doing that way before gross beat.

--u didnt do anything new....this is FL core...infact Ikonic remade that entire beat on Skype within a few minutes LOL

You seriously need to shut that narrow minded mouth.
Your opinions are irrelevant everything you have stated was based of nothing but that.

--what? does this sentence even make sense? STAY IN SCHOOL KIDS @_@

You can go ahead and stay on NG, were you have your little fanboys, keep riding coat-tails and using everyone around you to get your little e-fame dude.

--LOL NG is just for music really....my true passion is Game Design but apperently my fame on NG has blinded u to the point where ur just accusing me of shit now lol

And on top of it, which you have no say on original beats, which you barley, if ever made.

--Delinquent 100 *cough*

I work twenty times harder than you man, I never stop reinventing or looking for ways to improve, yet your style remains utterly the same.

--can u please tell me what my style is? no u cant...cus i dont have a specific style.. WHATS UR STYLE KEYS??? PIANO!!!!!!!! ITS BEEN PIANOS SINCE DAY 1!!!

Dawg, I remember you calling me the "Piano King'' and one of the best melody makers on ng lol, way to become hypocritical.

-- cus u were?. and at the same time u Rided me and Phaded soldiers dick 3xs as hard CAN I BE IN DOG STREET PLS???

Your sir are a fucking moron.

-- i know. Have fun being signed to No were records :)

For the record this has been the elephant in the living room for the longest. Many artist of NG has said "FUCK JOEY KEYS" becuase of his new attitude. Im just putting it all out there. Many of the people who used to fuck with him now hate him because since he got signed he acts as if "were not cool enough for him anymore :(" he's been makin realy shitty remarks to all his old friends stuff cus wer on the bottom of the food chain apperently and claiming hes like the best thing out right now.

well fuck you Mr. Keys go get ur money sir and grats on ur signature :)

also Beat battle me for $500,000 :) scared ill pwn ya? i want the money in check form Tee Why!

Joey Keys is responsible for the "Brass Knuckle symbol and other DJ Delinquent artwork"
But because of this disrespect there will be no credentials :O

The Amazing Joey Keys....remember this guy?


Ignoring the main focus in this, which is you two going at each other, let me say this about Nexus: the degree of customization varies VASTLY with which version you have. Earlier versions offer very little customization, whereas later versions have a lot more.

u think i care about nexus?

For one I respect your work.
Two, I respect the reputation you have built here.
I don't act as if I'm the elephant in the room, I realize there is better people than I.
Come on man, your 21 years old, dissing a 16 year old, is this how we act?
I've been signed for two weeks, and your acting like my whole attitude changed man. I still fuck with Kid Crisis, Kill Bill, Frank, Wyze and a lot of other people here.

C'mon lets be real, this signage aint shit, it hasn't changed my ego at all, I have changed some of the people I have surrounded myself with, now because I am starting to work more local now.

I don't think I am going to waste more time about this, other than to clear up this, cuz' it's pointless and not helping anyone. We all make hip hop, beef aint good for the culture.

u clearly have no respect for my work with ur disrespectful remark

second it doesnt matter about age your old enough to realize that u fucked up.

all i did was gave a review that was a bit low but i gave reason and u str8 up dissed me.

well fuck u , kid

-Loop Master Flex

I do respect you work however, that review you gave me seemed to be a diss too me. So that's the way I took it. If it wasn't meant to be taken that way, than I appreciate your criticism however, I refuse to argue with some I don't even know thats why I am going to drop this.

I heard somewhere that you're both gaylords.

nothing wrong with a lil booty hole

ehh.... Once there was this Kid Dissing our stuff... your words....
(Leave the kid alone he's 14)

well the age isnt totally correct...
but hey, if it boosts his Ego and makes him happy. Kudos.
Comon D..
~~There No Such Thing As A Hater~~ ??????? =X


....the fuck is Joey Keys? No seriously, who is he. I don't hang around much in the hip hop section of NG (unless it's K.O.A members or R.O.F members) he looks like he's 13. Also I would love to see you win the 500 grand.