Defamation of Character
"Defamation of character is notoriously difficult to prove in court, although the actual effects can be quite evident and damaging. If a disgruntled customer of a restaurant tells numerous people that the head chef has AIDS, for example, sales for that restaurant could fall and the employee might lose his job or find it difficult to work. Because the customer's slanderous statement concerns a specific person and an unproven accusation, the chef may have a legitimate case of defamation of character." -Wise
So i called some dude a weeabo right... LOL
LMAO!!!!! XD
*gasping for Air*
and apperently he is aprt of this Otaku comminity in school. Upholding the sales of rare and collective Japanese Exports such as Pocky, cards, manga and all other shit that DJ Delinquent hates.
my exact words:
"I cant beleive you fucking weeabos endorse these peices of shit to the beutiful and intellectual people of this school"
an argument escalated and some threts wer deliverd (u bet ur ass! it was a Verbal WAR!!!)
ever since then the Weeabo coalition have earned absolutly $0.00 since.
to furthur the pain i advertised my NewGrounds Page around the entire area boosting the moral of sensible otakus and damaging the Weeabo fuckers
so the WeeaDorks challenged me in the court of Law.
Sueing for Defamation of character.
in result his lil buisness closed down in the school and he wanted revenge
but fortunatly for me i fired my lawyer who happend to be an idiot and was able to defend myself in a civil suit
there for he didnt need a lawyer either
lol so in the civil suit he also sued for lawyer payments
upon wich i counterd sued fo dat shit too
the Civil suit was pwnage
i basically prooved to the jury how this no life bastard is a japanese obsessed maniac
upon him loosing the case he and all his frends where forced to see Shrinks to help them realize
THERE NOT FUCKING JAPANESE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
next time wont be defamation
it'll just be murder to the first degree
Wow..... 0.o ...... What a waste of your time... and The tax payers time to open a case up and take the time of a judge who could instead be prosecuting a rapist or murder......... Wow........ 0.o I have nothing else to say on that.... Make music, Say what u want, Let the babys cry. The end...
i think u ate up all my words there buddy o.o